
Elizabeth has always had a love for photography and the arts, winning both a short story writing contest (which was publicized in the local paper in Dorchester Ontario) and a poster making contest before the end of elementary school as well as self-publicized a few short stories of her own with a friend. (which sold a few copies throughout the school she attended.) Her interests were influenced by her mother at a very young age. She and her mother would go for “photo walks” during her later high school years where they would drive until something struck them as photo worthy then park and wander until the film was full. This paved the way for her major interest in photography and set her up to begin schooling at fanshawe in the beginning of 2012.

Owner and operator of E.V.Photography, Elizabeth (Lisa) Vandenheuvel attended both Lord Dorchester and Beal Secondary schools for their extensive art programs, then moved on to graduate Fanshawe Collage for the digital photography program in mid 2014. With an excess of experience in a wide variety of photography fields Elizabeth brings her artistic talents to all areas of her work.

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